Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm happy

After not seeing you

For a long period of time

Not too long though

Even just a few weeks

But it is long for me

I'm happy

To see you are smiling

Happily around your friends

Even I'm just watching

From far away

At a distance

That not bothering you

I'm happy

To see you get along well

With your friends

They kinda like you a lot

I feel guilty

For the time you are with me

You never got the chance to

Enjoy your relationship with others

I'm happy

Now that you are free

You can choose whoever you like

And ignore whoever

Bitching with your life

It's good to see around

I'm happy

Even you seem not interested

To entertain me

But I know

Deep down

We still together

And I'm happy

Even the truth hurts