Monday, August 23, 2010

~ChapteR 4_Pt. 1~

This is the chapter of my life

The 4th chapter

The 1st was about how

I get into this world

The 2nd is about my childhood

The 3rd,

All about my teenage years

And this is it

The 4th chapter….


I'm waiting in the dark…I'm standing by the walls…there's no one here…it's sorrow, dark and silent…there is nothing, but a complete darkness…I can't even tell how am I look like…how my face, how my nose, my ears, eyes, hair, beard…I wonder if I still have those…my hand, I can feel my hand…my legs, thank Allah for it's still there…so I guess I am still in complete condition, regardless how deep I'm fall…


How long has it been…to be fall into the dark, with no one capable of saving me…I wonder, if the dark is the eternal life? If there are any others that trapped deep down here, in the darkness same as me? Lots of questions come into my mind…I wish I had someone to ask to…wondering in the dark, alone, really tires me…the emptiness blinds me and the nothingness stab me in the heart…soon I realize, live in the dark is not as good as I imagined…