Sunday, December 26, 2010

Have you ever feel being cheated by the person you loved the most??

Have you ever wonder why they do it, what are their reason and most importantly, why you?? Why you are the one that they choose to cheat, even though they know by doing that they actually hurts your feeling…

I don't know, lately I find myself getting used to it…every time we had a talk, I automatically set my mind that she actually lying to me, even though sometime whatever she said is the truth…well, I guess that the impact of telling lies…you spoil the faith I put on you and you disregard the believe I set on you…you broke the oath and you easily fail to keep telling the truth….i wonder, for what actually people tell lies…

Do lies help you to escape?? Do you lie just to keep me from any harm caused by the truth you try to keep under the rug?? Or do you ever think that by lying, you will be able to keep me smiling, and let things goes without saying a word??

NO NO NO….that will never happen, as you already know I never tolerate with people who tell lies…I don't know, you may have your own reason for lying to me, but I can tell you, for all the time we know each other, I never hide anything from you, at the beginning, I admit I also lies toward you, and I'm sorry, because you already know, that I NEVER BELIEVE ANYONE IN MY WHOLE LIFE….

For once, I has been able to put my trust and faith towards someone, and now you just simply take it away…walk away girl, turn around….you can run or hide from me, as I will always forgive you for whatever you have done, and I promised, I won't chased you, but remember, whenever lies you make, each of it will contain a bit of my wrath…you know it well, what will happen when I found out a lie, and both of us know to what extend I might react towards it…so be careful, I'm not warning you, but just reminding you how I hate people to tell lie, even when they are desperately to…


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