~~the live of unwanted person among the most wanted people when the lights turn into darkness~~
ptptn da kua kn~ haha!
haha...sy x mcm org len....duit sgt berharga, so x baik bazirkan sekadar memuaskan nafsu makan... =)
what kind of food is that mate?looks really weirdis this what Malaysian food looks like?
dear alex....that simply a grilled chicken with some wedges...i believe it is Western food and Malaysian food is not necessarily like this...i think i will post something about Malaysian food, so please be patient~ :)
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ptptn da kua kn~ haha!
haha...sy x mcm org len....duit sgt berharga, so x baik bazirkan sekadar memuaskan nafsu makan... =)
what kind of food is that mate?
looks really weird
is this what Malaysian food looks like?
dear alex....that simply a grilled chicken with some wedges...i believe it is Western food and Malaysian food is not necessarily like this...i think i will post something about Malaysian food, so please be patient~ :)
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