if a celebrity have Formspring account, they'll be dead by never ending questions from their fans~
Thursday, July 28, 2011
single best or kapel best? why? haha **bia la soklan dh lapuk pun**
yezza.....soalan ape kah ini cik penyamun???err....pada sy la kan....kalau single, takyah susah2 nak pikir nak jaga ati orang, nak kena ikut kehendak orang, nak layan orang, nak abeskan duit untuk orang lain....jadi single bebas, takyah susah2 nak pikir pasal orang len....tapi satu je kalau jadi single nih....takdak life, sebab orang yang kapel nih even teruk macam mana pun hubungan tu, tetap rasa bahagia luar n dalam...haaa....sebab tu kalau nak rasa bahagia, berkapel la...tapi jangan sampai melampaui batas lak....jadi single best, ade kapel pon best...depends la pada orang tu pandang situasi dia macam mana....ada selesa single, ada selesa berdua...macam saya, seorang diri saya seronok, tapi kalau berdua saya akan beronok2....haha~
*macam tak menjawab persoalan jep~*
Sunday, July 24, 2011
ehmm cmne ekk na taw dia syes or maen2??huuuhuuhuuuuu..
senang je....bak kate cik yiyin, just nk tambah2 sket....kalau sy nk tau org tu ikhlas ke x, tengok pada gaya dia....orang ikhlas tak mintak dibalas, n kalau ikhlas tak payah nak tunjuk....so kalau nampak benor buat2 caring, ada time senang time susah just buat2 ada, so panadai2 la paham sendiri dia ikhlas ke tak....kalau ikhlas, kita bole nampak dari perbuatan dia, pertuturan dia....kalau orang yang main2 ni dia akan cakap je lebih, buat tak pun...
orang yang seyes nk in relationship ngan kita dia akan ikhlas dalam ape yg dia buat...if dia suka ungkit2, xde makne nye nak stick ngan dia...blah je teroos~
What celebrity would play you in the movie version of your life?
no one can, because it is hard to be me~hahahahaha~
Saturday, July 23, 2011
If you were a tour guide for your city, what three places would you take visitors to see?
tiga je???nak bawak depa pi semua tempat, sebab den sndiri pon x abeh laei melawat tompat den neh...haha~
Friday, July 22, 2011
macamane nk ubat hati lau ptus cinta?
wallaweh soklan.....ade byk cara, ade yg baik n ade yg x baik....kalau yg x baik ade banyak...tapi kalau yg baik, byk kan berdoa, dekatkan diri dengan Allah SWT...mohon diberi petunjuk, mntk dibuka pintu hati dan d beri sinar(nur)...doa minta d murahkan rezeki...percaya la, Allah telah mencipta setiap manusia berpasang2 an, so jangan risau...putus cinta tak bermakna tak ada jodoh, tapi anggap la bahawa Allah telah menyediakan seseorang yang jauh lebih istimewa buat kita d masa depan...pape pun, berserah kepada Allah SWT...jgn putus cinta je nak kecewa...kalau sudah tersurat dia bukan milik kita, nape nk kecewa kann???
Would you rather play a team sport, or solo sport?
i like to play solo, have my own style without having to consider others capability....but i'm a team player, when in teams i can adapt to produce harmony to the team....i am kind of flexible, team or solo i will put my best effort to win~
Thursday, July 21, 2011
seronokah mjadi seorg lelaki?? huhuuhu.. (soalan apakah??)
seronok itu sudah mesti....tapi ada la gak kan pro and cons....jadi lelaki kena pikul tanggungjawab, kena jadi ketua keluarga, kena memimpin membimbing dan membuat keputusan...berat beban seorang lelaki nih...tapi seronok sebab dengan buat smua tu bole develop rasa tanggungjawab, kepimpinan dan pendorong untuk menjadi seorang insan yang sentiasa memperbaiki kelemahan diri...tak gitu??tapi org pempuan pun xde yg kurang banding ngan lelaki....same je dua2~ =)
How often do you remember your dreams?
i always dreamed of my dreams, and most of it i still remember, and some of it i can't really tell what happened...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
asal kah llaki yg handsome sombong??kenapa kah??
haha.....sombong ke???saye x sombong pun...(macam la aku neh hensem..haha!)
tapi come to think of it, wajar kot....sebab ade ke awek yang cun or cute x sombong??setiap orang ada nilai, ego n harga diri masing2....terpulang gak pada individu tu kan...yang obvious nye, tak kira laki ke pempuan asal hensem @ cun melecun/cute mesti sombong sebab diorang perasan orang yang tegur diorang ada perasaan kat diorang...maybe sebab tu kot diorang sombong...honestly, i don't know...sorry~ =)
What athlete do you most want to meet?
if mentioning an athlete will involve her, sure do i would like to meet her in person...but come to think of it, she's been long dead, so i'll think i'll pass~
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What is your favorite summer memory?
having a hot chocolate drink with my beloved one under a tree....there we talk about almost everything and anything, spend a lot of time together while waiting for the sun to set....ooohh....what a memory~
Monday, July 18, 2011
Should you really eat dessert first?
depends....i actually eat what i want the most first,if that time i crave for an ice cream, i put aside my plate of main dish to have a go at ice cream first, regardless how hungry i am~
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Are you watching the Women's World Cup? Who are you rooting for in the final?
hehe...women's world cup eh...of course Brazil, even i do adore the Russians for their beauties~ =')
haha...for me, the bitter taste are better than have a better feeling outside but bitter from the inside....i prefer to have someone alongside me, hearing me whisper things that no one knows and having great times together...even most of the times it taste bitter, actually the bitter are the cause for the relationship to be better in the future~ =)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Harry Potter opens today. If you were going to cast a magic spell, what spell would you cast?
i would like to petrify everyone with petrificus totalus, disarm whoever try to do unnecessary killings with expelliarmus and then if possible, i want to apparate/disapparate to somewhere i was longing for...avada kedavra!!~
responsibilities SUX... ><
sure??responsibilities sure do heavy, but through responsibilities we learn pain, and trough pain we gain experience, and without experience there will be no knowledge...take the responsibilities as a reward, not as a burden... =)
Friday, July 15, 2011
kenapa perlu hormat kepada orang lebih tua?
ish3....mesti la kena hormat....orang tua lebih banyak pengalaman, banyak ilmu dan tanpa orang2 yang tua, siapalah kita yang muda....tanpa orang yang tua, takde la yang muda ni dapat kenal kehidupan...so selaku orang yang muda, kenalah hormat pada yang tua~ =)
ehmm laki n pmpoan.. sape g JUJUR??? ;)
kejujuran depends pada person gak....ada je laki2 yg jujur habis, n ada gak pempuan yang jujur habis....tapi tak semua yang tak jujur tu xde kejujuran, n yang jujur slalu tu x pernah tak jujur dalam hidup dia...so kalau nak cari yang 100% jujur memang xde la, sbb stiap org akan ada benda yang diorang nak rahsiakan dari orang laen...if mahu kejujuran dalam perhubungan, kena pandai main peranan dan kena la ada give and take, jgn give aje tp x take n jgn take aje tanpa memberi... =)
tema raya tahun ni kaler ape ye?
haha~tema raya yeh....sebab raya taun ni kena keja, n tempat keje kena pakai bunny suit putih, so i guess putih la kot....huk3~
*nak balik raya~~~~~~...huhu*
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
friend??lover??scandal?? wich 1 is better...??
it depends...for me having a friend that always there when needed is indeed is better...having a lover who always care and love us also better than anyone....sometimes, having a scandal can be a lot better as they know how to entertain us...for me, i would love to have them all~ =)
What is your 'If Not Now, When?' moment?
haha.....i face it a lot of time, but the most unforgettable and the greatest decision i made is when i decided to say what i want to say, speak it out loud and with satisfaction i might add, come with unbelievable response... =)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
kenapa perlu hormat kepada orang lebih tua?
kenapa...kenapa yeh.....kenapa...err...sebab yang tua dikatakan lebih banyak pengalaman berbanding yang muda, dan yang tua ada lebih ilmu berbanding yang muda, tak kira la ilmu ape pun....orang yang lebih tua selalunya berperanan sebagai penunjuk jalan dan men jadi contoh kepada yang masih muda...dan yang tua kita kena anggap macam datuk nenek kita, mak ayah kita, kakak n abang kita...if kita anggap yang lebih tua macam tu, takkan tak nak hormat kot?? =)
What do you think would happen if apes took over? #apeswillrise
human will be taken into slavery, of course!
Friday, June 17, 2011
hari ni mood okey tak? :))
hehehe...of course okey....tp tak tau la kan d masa depan cane.....hari x slalu cerah2...kadang2 ade pelangi, ade guruh, ade ribut,taufan tsunami banjir gempa bumi.....hope xde la kat sini kan...hehee~
Monday, June 13, 2011
Send this to all your formspring friends if you support cancer patients! If you don't, you have No Heart.
my heart belong to someone else~ =)
rindu unimap tak? kihkihkih
x rindu ponnnn.....tapi rindu same orang2 dan kenangan d unimap tu....huk3~
Sunday, June 12, 2011
ape perasaan incik snior arini? hehe
sedih sebab kelantan kaloh....huhu~
tapi kalu tang keje, mcm bese ah...hepi sokmo~
What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today?
i got in contact with someone i assumed to be of great help for me in the future...hehe~
if you click "ask your followers" to this question, you can find out who follows you
adoyai...ponat la soklan neh...nak next je bole x???haha~
Friday, June 10, 2011
if you click "ask your followers" to this question, you can find out who follows you
dah2....cukup hanya sekali....wuwuwuwu~
if you click "ask your followers" to this question, you can find out who follows you
alaaaa.....ye la2....sy tekan laaa........~
Thursday, June 9, 2011
perlu ke kita minta maaf even kita xsalah?
memaafkan lebih baik dari mintak maaf...if kita buat salah,memang kena la mintak maaf kan...tapi kalau kita x salah, buat ape nk mntk maaf...tp kalau dia yg salah,maafkan je laa....in case kalau berase dengan meminta maaf tu dapat jernihkan keadaan,apa salahnya kita buang sikit ego tu untuk mntk maaf, even kita tau kita x salah... =)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
if you click "ask your followers" to this question, you can find out who follows you
kena tekan ke???kalau click pun mmg da tau sape yg follow kan....hehehe~
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
bilo nok wk nc mnyok? jmput kawe dehh. haha
ececece sokaln....sy keno tggu la ade org sudi sy msuk mine dlu...kalo xdop hok sudi, xdop la nsik minyok...huhu~
Monday, June 6, 2011
If you were given the money to start a new business, what business would you open?
something that never anyone done~
Thursday, June 2, 2011
cuti ni best menternak lemak? haha
haha...ape yg bestnye....kena keje laaa....so xde la ternak lemak...hehe....
Saturday, May 28, 2011
if your happy and you know it , press ask your followers :D
hahaha....kenpa yeh smua org suka wat cmni skrg nih...tp bila tanya soklan x nak plak jawab...huhu~
Send this to all your formspring friends if you support cancer patients! If you don't, you have No Heart. :)
o yeah???if i got no heart then i won't be living...huhu~
Send this to all your formspring friends if you support cancer patients! If you don't, you have No Heart. :)
o yeah???if i got no heart then i won't be living...huhu~
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I miss her… Even I'm just a sucker to her, But I mess her… So damn much….. ='( It felt empty when she is not around… She said she will not turning back anymore… So I guess I'm just need to go on Go on with my life Chasing her shadows… Few of my friends are already leaving… Guess it's time for goodbye One of my friends gave me a vinyl figure… And kiss me on my check… A best friend she was Aishh….rindunye~
Saturday, May 14, 2011
memori paling indah sbgai seorang ank?
uish....byk tu...kalau nak kira semua indah2....tp paling best ialah diberi kepercayaan untuk berdikari seawal umor 10 taun....ssh tu nk dpt parent yg brani lepaskan ank dia berdikari sorg2 kat tempat jauh...huhu~
apa yang kau boleh buat bila masalah datang kepada kau?
hoyeah....suke gak soklan nih.....most of the time, tido adalah cara terbaik melupakan segala masalah.....kadang2 cite kast best buddies, depends gak pada masalah tu....n x salah kan kalau cakap if ada masalah cari mak dulu...sebab nak saya seorg penasihat terbaik dalam hidup saye~ =)
mcm ne nk wat klu ade plak org ketiga wujud ketika cinta seseorang 2 terhadap psangan nya bakal berkembang?? apa prlu wat ek?
hoyeah....suke soalan ni...kalau dulu, mmg la rasa tak puas hati kan...tp kalau keadaan sekarang, and pulak kasih sayang tu baru je nak develop, x salah pun ada org ketiga...zaman sekarang nak kapel kena la bersaing kan....kalau xde persaingan x syok laa...tp bersaing la secara sehat,jgn smpai serang menyerang pulak~
What superstitions do you have?
i always believed there are ghost, but never see ones....i gonna find it if given the chance~ =)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
bile kita diam kate kita xamek tau, tp bile kita bsing..sbuk duk kondem..camne nk berhdpn mnsia2 camni?
waahhh...keadaan ni macam semua org hadapi jepp...1st,kita kne ingt,manusia ni xde yg perfect...kdg2 kita perlu org lain utk ingtkan kita ttg sesuatu...tp zaman skrg ni org cepat bebenorr trase ngan apa yg org lain cuba smpaikan, walaupun kdg2 bnda tu penting sbgai peringatan utk kita...nak berdepan ngan org yg suka kondem2 ni, kita xleh berdepan dgn dia secara terus...kasi je dia menang...cuba abaikan dia dan perhatikan...manusia ni slalu kalau depan mata xnak hargai, tapi bila da xde baru nak cari...so kalau rasa da tensen org asik kondem, cuba perhatikan je, tgk org tu mampu ke x teruskan hari2 dia tanpa kita care ttg dia...tp jgn la x care trus...perhatikan, dan tgk ada perubahan ke x...kalau xde, bising je la...huhu~
Speechless….i don't know what to say….for the past few days and weeks I was hanging and struggling with lot of tension….I'm usually a positive person, normally I managed to use my optimistic thinking to get me out of trouble…well people always facing troubles right??if no trouble then our life don't have any fun…. Funny it is, for over a year I still haunted by my greatest nightmare….I don't know where the wrong we had done, and what could be the possible reason for this to happened, but we are human, what can we do is planning and pray….for everything to turn out right… Right now, I always keep thinking of her, of what her doing, what her condition, about her where about….in my minds I keep on thinking about her, even I know I'm not supposed to think about her…but I think that's what we call the power of love, as right now I am still under the impression of how much I've changed because of her… I know, as a guy I have my own ego, and I must admit mine was higher even I try my best to deny it…but our personality is reflected by our doings, and we were judged by people around us who see us everyday…they know us more, even we keep telling our self that we know our own much better than others… For now, I am at the edge of my own ability…I'm afraid, the same tragedy will happen again….be prepared for the worst and pray for the best…I wish I don't have to create another personality just to satisfy everyone's need…it's been long since I become myself… I wish things will turn out well, and right now I just wish I can finish my degree as soon as I can….wish me luck~ =)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
kemaafan tuk kesilapan yg berulang kali..patut ke?
kita kena tahu, anatara sifat Allah S.W.T ialah Maha Pengampun...kita tiada sebab untuk tidak memaafkan salah orang lain,melainkan apa yg dilakukan oleh org tu mendatangkan mudarat pd kita...tu pun kalau terlalu ekstrem hingga x dapat d maafkan...memaafkan adalah lebih baik dari meminta maaf, jadi maafkan je la...walaupun berulang kali, manusia takkan lari dari membuat kesilapan....ada masa kita sedar dan ada masa tak sedar akan kekurangan kita...lebih baik maafkan je,walau pedih hati untuk terima... =)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What event in the past, present, or future would you like to witness in person?
i really wish to watch how the world ends~
Monday, May 9, 2011
~HatI YanG TelaH KaU SakitI~
Jangan pernah katakan bahawa Cintamu hanyalah untuk ku Kerna kini kau telah membahaginya… Maafkan jika memang kini Harusku tinggalkan dirimu Kerna hatiku selalu Kau lukai… Tak ada lagi yang bisa Ku lakukan tanpa mu Ku hanya bisa menyatakan Apa yang ku rasa…. Ku menangis… Membayangkan betapa kejamnya Dirimu atas diriku Kau duakan cinta ini Kau pergi bersamanya… Ku menangis… Melepaskan kepergian dirimu Dari sisi hidupku… Harus selalu kau tahu Akulah hati yang telah kau sakiti… (a song by Rossa)
~TaK BisA MemiliH mU~
Telah jauh terpisah diriku dan dirimu Dalam ruang dan waktu Sendiriku jalani sepiku Tanpa dirimu… Resahku tanpa hadirmu… Sungguh berat hatiku merasakannya… Salahku mencintai dirinya Saat jauhku terpisah darimu Dan hadirnya menyentuh hatiku Mencintainya…. Hatiku… Inginkannya… Hingga runtuh setiaku kepada dirimu… Ku sakiti hatimu… Yang tulus mencintaiku… Maaf ku tak bisa Memilih dirimu… Kerna ku terhanyut mencintai dia…. Inilah salahku…. Yang memberi ruang… Di dalam hatiku Tuk mencintainya… Terhanyut jiwa ini Terjatuh dihatinya…. (a
song by 6th sense)
dan ianya membuat lelaki mempnyai satu kuasa tuk control perempuan?
oh tidak....ego bukanlah satu kuasa untuk control kaum wanita...tidak sama sekali.....kalau lelaki tu control guna ego, elok tgglkan saje beliau....carilah lelaki yg control melalui kasih sayang... =)
kenapa lelaki pentingkan ego mereka?
kenapa lelaki pentingkan ego??sudah tentu penting,kerana ego itu la letaknya maruah seorang lelaki...tinggi egonya maka tinggi la maruahnya....macam balung ayam jantan,lagi tinggi lagi otai la ayam tu....mcm tu la juge lelaki nih....camtu la kot...huhu~
Sunday, May 8, 2011
What celebrity do you most resemble?
i prefer not to resemble anyone, as i am happy being myself....what i get is a gift from Allah, and there are no point denying it...moreover this gift is not something to be compared with someone else, as Allah has made it fair to everyone~ =)
haha betol..plk..mana kenal? pdhal xpnh jmpa pn..owhh..kwn kema gak ke ni..dak suksis ke,biopro?
both suksis ngan biopro....haha....skrg suda ingt,kenal mase bace blog kamu dlu....hik3~
Saturday, May 7, 2011
suka tnye soalan plek2..do u even know me??
pelik ke??xde la, actually soalan tu untuk smua, so main pick je sape nk tye sbnrnye...pricipally, kenal kot...kawan kema time sekolah sains pasir putih dlu kan...namo gapo doh....x ingt plop....kalu x silap nine....btol ke dop tau eja tuh...huhu~
Friday, May 6, 2011
ape korang wat klu korang baru taw...lover korang curang dgn korang??
sedih wei dapat tau tau kekasih curang.....merana gak....mula2 akan rasa down,tapi itu depends pada individu la kan berapa lama dia akan sedih dan menyesali apa yang terjadi tu...tapi, kalau aku, aku akan kecewa dan maybe perkara ini tak membawa ke arah sesuatu yang baik~
Sunday, May 1, 2011
what would you do if someone you love and care the most turned you down for something unreasonable?
what would you do if someone you love and care the most turned you down for something unreasonable?
Answer here
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
klu tbe2 ade org nk masuk meminang anda secara mengejut...anda terima x??
wallaweh....kalau ada,kenapa nk tolak kan....tp let the parent decide, sbb anonymous ni kte bkn tau sgt kan ati budi diorg cane...so let the parent do the biddings....by the way, sy lelaki n sebagai lelaki, mcm x syok je pempuan yg msuk minang saye...huhu~
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
r u love ur lover very much?? how many percent of ur love to him/her??
another "what" question....to be frank, of course i do love her with all my heart...if asking about percentage, it can't be measured as i never evaluate how much i love her... =)
Have you been able to keep your New Years resolutions or have you broken them?
haha....what a question...to be frank,some of it were kept and always,most of it are broken...well,who cares?? =)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
wah..how many hours per day that u spend for on9 huh??
how many??byk gak kot...kalau bukan tgh kelas or buat keje, then i'm online, even tgh tidoqq~
whos ur besties??
ramai.....ade ramai smpai x tau nk describe diorg ni cane....tp ape yg sy sgt2 yakin smua besties ni always ada utk saye... =)
What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Are you glad you took it or do you regret it?
the biggest risk???of course....have you ever put your own life on the line??if not, then i think i won't have any regret.... :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What qualities do you look for when you're dating someone?
ease to the eyes and not pain in the ass~
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
If you could be the president or leader of your country for one day, what would you do?
help helpless which require my help....save people from poverty~
What's the first thing you check when you turn on your computer?
my laptop performance (ctrl+alt+del)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
What was the worst advice you've ever received?
no advice is the worst...if it is worst,we won't say it as an advice doesn't it???
If you could attend any concert, what would it be?
i don't like concert, but i do like orchestra....mind to bring me one??
Jika kamu akn jatuh hati pd prmpuan yg jauh lebey tua dr kamu?
jika saya jatuh hati pada yang lebih tua, sy ttp akan terima beliau seadanya....muda bukan selamanya kan...kalau yg tua sy akn lebih hormat, sbb dia lebih matang dlm berfikir n membuat keputusan, n sudah tentu dia lebih byk mkn garam dr saye....kalau dapat yang muda,sy akan bersyukur n if dpt yg tua, sy akn bersyukur gak...x kisah tua ke muda, hati tu yg penting~ =)
Cara terbaik untuk tolak lamaran seseorang tanpa mengecewaknnya
wah...tricky question...err...depends pada org gak....ada sesetengah bole terima jika anda jujur dgnnya, nyatakan anda x dpt menerima lamaran beliau...tp ade gak org yg x dpt terima, n jenis mcm ni susah sikit...either way, kalau x nk,tolak cara baik...nyatakan sebab2 yg dia bole terima...even x suka pun, jgn ckp x suka kat dia...just ckp "saya lebih suka kalau dapat kawan ngan awak.."tp kan,lain org lain respons, sbb prasaan ni sgt2 subjektif...gud luck ye...lalalala~
Friday, April 1, 2011
apa yg membuatkan anda rasa malas sgt nk lakukan??
ntah....saya pun x tau...kalau da rase malas, memang malas la jawab nye...buat la ape un, sure x jadi~
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
org pertama yg anda sayang adalah ......??
orang yang pertama sudah tentu mak saya....2nd ayah saya, pastu adik bradik n byk2 org lg.....gf adelah yg no 7....haaa~
matured dh ker?? yg ni leh jwb x?hehehe
haaa....yang ni bole jawab.....matured sgt2 tu x la, tp bole kate 50-50~hehehe...
ingatkan dh xsabar nk kawin..haha...fyp dh siap?
hahaha.....walopon da matang,tp blom bersedia lg...huhu....nk kate siap mcm tipu kan...tp da 70% laa...huhu~
anda nk kawin dh ker yg asyik tnye ttg kawin nih?
xde la...saje tanye opinion....kot2 la mak nk soh sy kawen kan....haha~
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?
i love swimming....anywhere can, so it never bothers me a pool or the ocean~
Would you rather be rich or famous?
being rich not necessarily famous and being famous not ensure you to be rich...so i guess i'll be a famous rich man then~
Do you believe in fate?
i do...fate relate with faith, so if you having faith, then fate comes along~
me found u from fikri's( ur junior) fb page..is that oky? :)
haha....it's nothing at all...today i just get a new friend, which for me i think is a joyful thing to had....it doesn't matter how the bond link, whta matter is how we maintain the bond linkage.... =)
uh,suksis juga ya?
haaa.....kalau tanye taun lepas bole la ngaku suksis....tp bru tye skrg an, so leh kate da jd super senior lah...haha~
If you could live in any house you wanted to, what would it look like?
spooky or haunted mansion on top of a hill, with view of graveyard around it....oh i forget to mention, i love to have a big old oak tree at the front gate~
Thursday, March 24, 2011
pernah rasa putus cnta yg teramat teruk??
pernah.....sekali, sbb sy hanye membenarkan diri sy di cintai dan mencintai hanya untuk sekali...huhu~
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Have you cried during a movie?
nope.....i never cry because of touched or sad when watch movie...but only cry for laughing out loud for the comedy...haha~
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Who do you txt message with the most?
i txt msg the most wif my frnd...best frnd,sp frnd n oso new frnd...geddit??
hadiah daripada ibu anda yang anda paling sayang?
kasih sayang seorg ibu x ternilai harganya...biarpun mcm xde sgt hadiah yg ibu sy kasi, tp pd sy hadiah yg plg sy syg ialah kepercayaan ibu terhadap sy untuk jd seorang lelaki...heh~
Monday, March 7, 2011
What's one thing that most people don't know about you?
most people don't know that actually i don't know what they don't know about me....
dalam banyak2 negeri kat M'sia,negeri mana yang anda paling suka?
sy plg suka negeri yg membolehkan sy mndi air terjun@sungai n lepak2 tepi laut....so mana2 negeri yg ade tmpt yg sy mention tu, konpem sy akn suke.... :)
do u wear watch? at left or right hand?
yes, of course....i'm right handed so i wear my wrist watch at my left hand.... =)
What are you most looking forward to right now?
i was looking forward to finish my study..yeahh~2 months to go.... =)
Monday, February 28, 2011
phone ape pling best skrg???
phone ape ek....kalo peribadi pye view, nokia C6 best...xpun xperia x10.....Nokia N8, HTC Desire, Blackberry Torch pon ok...
What film do you think should win Best Picture for the 2010 Oscars?
hantu kak limah balik umah...tp hantu kak limah masuk oscar ke??hahaha~
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
ape tips nk jd gemuk...???
gemuk??ada byk cara....plg sng,mkn byk2, krgkan bersenam...konpem gemuk...tp nk gemuk cane??secara sihat or x sehat??
If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?
time kecik2, i adore skyline...now i really desire lotus elise...hehe~
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What song best describes your life right now?
Soledad-westlife ngan i don't belong here-cromok, also tired of being sorry-enrique iglesias
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Do you think Watson will win on Jeopardy or do you think man will triumph over machine?
both of them not in my interest right now~
when a stranger smiles at u, u will .............
when a stranger smiles at me, of course i will smile back....regardless who he/she is, because smile is a silent way of communicating~ :)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
if a bowl of rice fall down, what will come out of it???jawab jgn x jawab......
eh3....mane aci tye smula soklan ni kat aku...hahaha....tp ramai yg bg jawapan yg bukan jawapan skema...jwpan dia air mata laaa.....da nasi tumpah, cane nk mkn...wawawawawa~
Thursday, February 10, 2011
if a bowl of rice fall down, what will come out of it???jawab jgn x jawab......
if a bowl of rice fall down, what will come out of it???jawab jgn x jawab......
Answer here
Would you quit eating all junk food to live five years longer?
da lame da i x mkn junk food, tp live five year longer itu d tgn Allah, so i hanye bole senyum~ =)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
ade limau?
xde.....tahun ni harga limau sgt mahal, mak n ayah x mo beli...nk beli sndri pon x mampu...huk3~
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
~mY HearT CrumbleS~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
~NeW YeaR EvE~
Tahun baru tiba lagi….sudah masuk 1 Januari 2011 meninggalkan 31 Disember 2010, hanya dalam beberapa saat…tahun 2010, semestinya menjanjikan pelbagai peristiwa sama ada suka mahupun duka, juga mencoret 1001 kenangan pahit dan manis bagi semua…sepanjang tahun 2010, banak peristiwa telah berlaku, dan semuanya telah disematkan sebagai memori dan kenangan buat aku dan semua yang masih lagi hidup di muka bumi ini…bersyukur, kerana pada ketika ini, kita masih diberikan limpah kurnia, hidayah serta ina'yah dari Allah S.W.T untuk meneruskan kehidupan dalam mengabdikan diri kepada-Nya dan mencari keredhaan-Nya di muka bumi ini, insyaAllah… Well, by the time I wrote this entry, it is already 12.54 a.m, which means it is already 54 minutes past 12 midnight on 1st January 2011…well, for the past 54 minutes I was staying in my room, watch my fellow friends singing the "aud lang syne" and some of them wishing a happy new year, singing, start up fireworks and dancing, celebrating for a new year…some, exchange their new resolution for the ew year, and some as I might add sharing their best memories of celebrating new year eve… As to me, for as long as I remember, I never had a celebration of new year eve, which means, I never celebrated new years eve….if I get lucky, I can witnessed a firework nearby my place, but that rarely happened, and I somehow I disconsolate as I always dreaming of big firework….but, as I said, I never celebrated new year eve, as my family also never show an interest in the subject matter….since, we don't celebrated new year eve, so mostly during the night of new year eve we will just sit in front of the TV (usually there are lot of interesting movies aired this time, if get lucky we can get a blockbuster movies) or simply find our way to bed…and when we wake up tomorrow, I would be just as another holiday, sitting at home and do necessary chores, or simply watching TV and do our own stuff…. One of my friends told me that her best ever new year celebration is watching mid night movies, and then talk a walk along the beach and make their way to seven 7….for her, that was the best ever memories she could not forget, as that celebration is with her most loved ever person…so it is quite a memorial to her….well, for me, as I never end up celebrating, I can say this year celebration is the best…even apart from my family, it still the best as I can spend time with my beloved ones, even for a shorter period and not much to do actually, but I considered it as the best celebration ever in my life… We just hang out together, riding a motorcycle, goes for dinner and then simply get home early….because it is special occasion, so we got a special dinner and end up with 2 slices of delicious cake from secret recipe as dessert…take a walk at the nearest garden and then play with cute kitties….even just for a few hour, it is still the best celebration of new years eve I ever had, for 22 years of living….Alhamdulillah for the gift of another great year, and I wish I could ended my life peacefully in blessing of Allah S.W.T….for my dearest babe, thank you for a wonderful night and thank you for wasting your time, spend it with me rather than spending it with your friends…I really do appreciate it a lot…. And, for those who asking me what about new year, what about new year resolution, I just can tell them I don't have any particular feeling for new years, just a token of appreciation of being alive and being able to fulfilled my destiny, and still given the chance to live, is good enough….Happy New Year To All…. =)
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- if a bowl of rice fall down, what will come out of...
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