Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
klu tbe2 ade org nk masuk meminang anda secara mengejut...anda terima x??
wallaweh....kalau ada,kenapa nk tolak let the parent decide, sbb anonymous ni kte bkn tau sgt kan ati budi diorg let the parent do the the way, sy lelaki n sebagai lelaki, mcm x syok je pempuan yg msuk minang saye...huhu~
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
r u love ur lover very much?? how many percent of ur love to him/her??
another "what" be frank, of course i do love her with all my heart...if asking about percentage, it can't be measured as i never evaluate how much i love her... =)
Have you been able to keep your New Years resolutions or have you broken them?
haha....what a be frank,some of it were kept and always,most of it are broken...well,who cares?? =)
Thursday, April 14, 2011 many hours per day that u spend for on9 huh??
how many??byk gak kot...kalau bukan tgh kelas or buat keje, then i'm online, even tgh tidoqq~
whos ur besties??
ramai.....ade ramai smpai x tau nk describe diorg ni ape yg sy sgt2 yakin smua besties ni always ada utk saye... =)
What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Are you glad you took it or do you regret it?
the biggest risk???of course....have you ever put your own life on the line??if not, then i think i won't have any regret.... :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What qualities do you look for when you're dating someone?
ease to the eyes and not pain in the ass~
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
If you could be the president or leader of your country for one day, what would you do?
help helpless which require my people from poverty~
What's the first thing you check when you turn on your computer?
my laptop performance (ctrl+alt+del)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
What was the worst advice you've ever received?
no advice is the worst...if it is worst,we won't say it as an advice doesn't it???
If you could attend any concert, what would it be?
i don't like concert, but i do like orchestra....mind to bring me one??
Jika kamu akn jatuh hati pd prmpuan yg jauh lebey tua dr kamu?
jika saya jatuh hati pada yang lebih tua, sy ttp akan terima beliau seadanya....muda bukan selamanya kan...kalau yg tua sy akn lebih hormat, sbb dia lebih matang dlm berfikir n membuat keputusan, n sudah tentu dia lebih byk mkn garam dr saye....kalau dapat yang muda,sy akan bersyukur n if dpt yg tua, sy akn bersyukur gak...x kisah tua ke muda, hati tu yg penting~ =)
Cara terbaik untuk tolak lamaran seseorang tanpa mengecewaknnya
wah...tricky question...err...depends pada org gak....ada sesetengah bole terima jika anda jujur dgnnya, nyatakan anda x dpt menerima lamaran ade gak org yg x dpt terima, n jenis mcm ni susah sikit...either way, kalau x nk,tolak cara baik...nyatakan sebab2 yg dia bole terima...even x suka pun, jgn ckp x suka kat dia...just ckp "saya lebih suka kalau dapat kawan ngan awak.."tp kan,lain org lain respons, sbb prasaan ni sgt2 subjektif...gud luck ye...lalalala~
Friday, April 1, 2011
apa yg membuatkan anda rasa malas sgt nk lakukan??
ntah....saya pun x tau...kalau da rase malas, memang malas la jawab nye...buat la ape un, sure x jadi~
Blog Archive
- What was your favorite thing to do during recess a...
- What did you do during Formspring's downtime?
- klu tbe2 ade org nk masuk meminang anda secara men...
- What rule do you find yourself always breaking?
- r u love ur lover very much?? how many percent of ...
- Have you been able to keep your New Years resoluti...
- many hours per day that u spend for on9 h...
- ur job wannabe?
- what is ur fullname?
- ur name meaning wat?
- whos ur besties??
- What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Are you...
- What qualities do you look for when you're dating ...
- If you could be the president or leader of your co...
- cinta pndg pertama? (yes/no)
- What's the first thing you check when you turn on ...
- What's your favorite kind of snack to eat?
- What was the worst advice you've ever received?
- If you could have invented one thing, what would i...
- If you could attend any concert, what would it be?
- What would be the best workplace perk?
- When was the last time you received flowers?
- Jika kamu akn jatuh hati pd prmpuan yg jauh lebey ...
- Cara terbaik untuk tolak lamaran seseorang tanpa m...
- If you could master one skill what would it be?
- How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
- Do you believe in luck?
- What do you think about so far?
- What are you most excited about today?
- apa yg membuatkan anda rasa malas sgt nk lakukan??