if a celebrity have Formspring account, they'll be dead by never ending questions from their fans~
Thursday, July 28, 2011
single best or kapel best? why? haha **bia la soklan dh lapuk pun**
yezza.....soalan ape kah ini cik penyamun???err....pada sy la kan....kalau single, takyah susah2 nak pikir nak jaga ati orang, nak kena ikut kehendak orang, nak layan orang, nak abeskan duit untuk orang lain....jadi single bebas, takyah susah2 nak pikir pasal orang len....tapi satu je kalau jadi single nih....takdak life, sebab orang yang kapel nih even teruk macam mana pun hubungan tu, tetap rasa bahagia luar n dalam...haaa....sebab tu kalau nak rasa bahagia, berkapel la...tapi jangan sampai melampaui batas lak....jadi single best, ade kapel pon best...depends la pada orang tu pandang situasi dia macam mana....ada selesa single, ada selesa berdua...macam saya, seorang diri saya seronok, tapi kalau berdua saya akan beronok2....haha~
*macam tak menjawab persoalan jep~*
Sunday, July 24, 2011
ehmm cmne ekk na taw dia syes or maen2??huuuhuuhuuuuu..
senang je....bak kate cik yiyin, just nk tambah2 sket....kalau sy nk tau org tu ikhlas ke x, tengok pada gaya dia....orang ikhlas tak mintak dibalas, n kalau ikhlas tak payah nak tunjuk....so kalau nampak benor buat2 caring, ada time senang time susah just buat2 ada, so panadai2 la paham sendiri dia ikhlas ke tak....kalau ikhlas, kita bole nampak dari perbuatan dia, pertuturan dia....kalau orang yang main2 ni dia akan cakap je lebih, buat tak pun...
orang yang seyes nk in relationship ngan kita dia akan ikhlas dalam ape yg dia buat...if dia suka ungkit2, xde makne nye nak stick ngan dia...blah je teroos~
What celebrity would play you in the movie version of your life?
no one can, because it is hard to be me~hahahahaha~
Saturday, July 23, 2011
If you were a tour guide for your city, what three places would you take visitors to see?
tiga je???nak bawak depa pi semua tempat, sebab den sndiri pon x abeh laei melawat tompat den neh...haha~
Blog Archive
- What celebrity do you want to join Formspring?
- single best or kapel best? why? haha **bia la sokl...
- ehmm cmne ekk na taw dia syes or maen2??huuuhuuhuu...
- What celebrity would play you in the movie version...
- If you were a tour guide for your city, what three...
- macamane nk ubat hati lau ptus cinta?
- Would you rather play a team sport, or solo sport?
- seronokah mjadi seorg lelaki?? huhuuhu.. (soalan a...
- How often do you remember your dreams?
- asal kah llaki yg handsome sombong??kenapa kah??
- What athlete do you most want to meet?
- What is your favorite summer memory?
- Should you really eat dessert first?
- Are you watching the Women's World Cup? Who are yo...
- Harry Potter opens today. If you were going to cas...
- responsibilities SUX... ><
- kenapa perlu hormat kepada orang lebih tua?
- ehmm laki n pmpoan.. sape g JUJUR??? ;)
- tema raya tahun ni kaler ape ye?
- What do you love most about the country you live in?
- friend??lover??scandal?? wich 1 is better...??
- What is your 'If Not Now, When?' moment?
- kenapa perlu hormat kepada orang lebih tua?
- What do you think would happen if apes took over? ...